Doing the Do


I�d like to have something really profound to say but I just don�t.

I�ve been having ISSUES with everyone at work. In fact I�m sick of the entire Catholic freaking ethos. They are a bunch of passive aggressive arseholes. Is that putting it plainly enough? They stab you in the back while smiling.

There was a job going at work in an area that I have been magically pushed into because I�m the most �agile� (their words NOT mine). It�s not my passion but there is something about it I like but other parts I just couldn�t give two shits about. They are implementing an EDRMS (electronic document management system) and are in a pilot phase. I�ve been the administrator of the freaking system because I picked up the system easily and I know what I�m doing. I love working a new system but I really don�t like the idea of managing records from years ago. It does not float my boat at all. I�d like to just burn them to be honest and just put up a sign saying �Anything you request that falls out side of the new system being implemented has been burned. I�m sorry for the inconvenience but I�m not sorting through a load of boxes and files from 10 years ago it just doesn�t interest me. In the spirit of catholic education I feel it�s in the best interest to all of you to just move on. I thank you for your time and Christian behaviour in this matter.�

Anyway the up shot of this agility that I posses means that I am the bunny that everyone calls when they are having problems with this new system. I�m the one that trains them and now they want me to play a major part in rolling this system out to bunch of people that have been working in some cases in the same job for 20 years. Can you imagine the change management I�m going to have to deal with? I have the patience of a saint at best but I�m telling you this will push me over the edge. Getting people who have worked one particular way for the last 20 years to change because of new system would be like saying. �Ok there is no such thing as catholic guilt guys. It was formulated to keep you under control and within the bounds for those 10 commandants, which by the way are a load of bollocks just like the freaking records in the basement. GUILT is so yesterday��rolls eyes.

I have another aversion to this entire records management because I remember a time when I was working in the basement of this hospital (after art college) to get some money together just to take a trip to Sydney. There was this woman that worked there she was in charge of the records. I hated that job, they were putting all these records on to microfilm and I had to pull out all the medical records that were 7 years old. It was so boring that to amuse myself I would every now and again read the one of those records. After I realised most of them were just too depressing because they often ended in death I had to get on with the job.

I couldn�t understand why anyone would want this job let alone go to university and get a degree in it. This woman�s passion came from her collecting stuff and I mean stuff, from my memory of it, it was just junk and she would file it into boxes and mark them and keep them under her bed. I don�t understand that kind of order; I prefer the method I have. �I�ll just put that away somewhere safe�, so freaking safe that it�s an absolute delight when it finally shows up in that book I was reading and happened to use that important document as bookmark. I find a sort of magic and joy in that surprise. Call me odd but I�m just not into that level of detail. I like little piles of paper in various positions around my house. Shut up Nerddette�.smile.

Anyway this particular records manager had, and I can�t emphasis enough how bad, foul and repulsive it was, the WORST (and I can�t use the word pussy its just to nice for it) case of (my nose is running as I recall that odour) vaginal discharge I�ve ever smelt. For god sake it would have to have been green goo how could you not notice it? I�m telling you going into her office was extremely unpleasant, in fact a gas mask was required. In fact no one was able to even verbalise or talk about it, everyone just avoided going into her office.

It was me that happened to just say one day to another woman, �I�d like to go ask her something but I just can�t bring myself to go into her office�. She knowingly nodded and said �someone has to tell her�. They all and I mean all six of them looked to me as if I would be the one to tell her she that she might need to go to a doctor and have her, (whatever you call it) checked out. NO WAY, I couldn�t! I don�t remember the out come and who told her�it�s a memory I have repressed but for some reason Records Management has that awful memory attached to it.

I ended up applying for this EDRMS job at work because I�m already doing it and not being paid for it. I was given an interview the very next day when I enquired about the job. I could see in the interview that they were nodding and smiling at me and I felt like I had in the bag until I said, �So what is the salary?� They told me, I already knew actually, but I said �no for me I would expect so many $�s� (8�000) above what they were offering. I told them my reasons (but I didn�t mention that odour, perhaps that might have changed things) and I could see their faces and body language change at that moment I knew I would not be working there�smile

Secretly I�m glad because I do not have the pussy of a records manager at all. �Joy� is way to sweet to be anyway connected with that cursed memory that I have dredged up from the back recess of my mind.

PS.....I would also like a new dildo....whoever is sending them out could you PLEASE put me on the list. Xat and Zencelt both have made a trip to the post office.....I would also like that

all text is the � of Ms Do