Doing the Do


Well really I have so much to tell but no bloody energy to get it out.

D has shaped up to be not only a very funny man that makes me laugh constantly. There is no bigger aphrodisiac than laughter I think. He needs absolutely no training in the sex department don�t know where he learnt all that but hell I don�t care. I feel like I�ve been switched back on again and I can�t tell you how wonderful that feels. He thinks as well and so so easy to talk to. Yep all that is going fine, sweet, dandy, exciting, erotic and best of all he�s going to fulfil that fridge fantasy...big cheesy smile.

Last weekend started really on Thursday night, D came over and we couldn�t keep out hands off each other. I think I might have had 3 hours sleep. I dragged my wonderfully painful body off to work, couldn�t really concentrate most of the day just kept having flash backs to the night before�rolls eyes.

I made it till the afternoon then came home and was met by L my girlfriend and we Thelma and Louised it down the coast. Stayed in a great hotel which was just between Surfers Paradise and Main Beach, walking distance to both. We had dinner at a very lovely Japanese Restaurant. Had a few beers and I think I was asleep as soon as I lay down. Both woke up about the same time and lay in bed chatting till 10, got showered and dressed and strolled up the beach to Main Beach Deli and sat and watched all the people walking by and had a great lunch.

After much laughter and shopping we walked back to the hotel and I raced up the street to buy a pair of thongs so that my toenails would not get smudged after beauty treatments. We had 2 and half hours of pure pampering. Manicure, pedicure and few other little delights. It was fantastic and such a welcome relief after so many years of freaking nothing cause of no money and study factor.

Went out for dinner again on Saturday night stopped at a pub had a few beers and again came home exhausted and slept like a baby. It was the most relaxing weekend I�ve had in years. Both of us without our kids and time to chat without 4 sets of ears hearing everything we say. I do get my time without my kids but I think for L it had been a while. I kind of took the lead and she was happy to follow. I know the coast better than her so it was nice to show her all my favourite places, and I really enjoyed her company.

Ok so I�ve had lots of hot and panty wetting emails from D telling what he�s going to do to me and tomorrow night yes TOMORROW I get to live out a my fantasy, can hardly wait.

I�m getting those butterflies of anticipation!!! Its been a long time coming but Mr Rightnow has arrived.

Oh yeah and work is getting better, they have finally discovered how clever I am and I think I have room to create a job for myself if I want it. And my g/f�s band are putting out a cd and the boys that are in the band got someone to design a cover and I must say it was boring so Mon asked me to submit something and she only gave me about 2 hours to get something organised and I did and sent it off and guess what?? Yes they are going with my design so there you go some paid work in the area and direction I want to go in.

I feel balanced.

Go to go get some beauty sleep so I can be energised for tomorrow night�..yippee!!!

all text is the � of Ms Do