Doing the Do


Tuesday at work and looking forward to the next 2 days at home with the boys. We have a show holiday and then they have a pupil free day so I spending time at home with them. I so need a few days off in the middle of the week, just to catch my breath really and to get this CD cover out from under my skin.

D came over last night and decided to stay the night. I wasn�t expecting him to stay at all. This meant moving Seamus from my bed, as that�s where he likes to sleep. That move was ok cause they asked me before they went to bed if he was staying the night, and I said I don�t know.

Otis came running down the hall at full speed like he does every night to be greeted by me and D in bed. Had to take him back to his bed, its all so new for them and for me this bed swapping. So anyway Otis woke this morning all out of wack cause his mother was in bed with that man again.

Both boys got up and as I said the bed hopping did not agree with them. They had a full on fight slapping, punching, pulling hair and screaming at 6.30am. Not sure if D is up to this kinda hell. He took it well in fact he thought it was funny. I had to go sort it out and got so mad I made them go back to bed for 10 mins to calm down and we started the day again, with a much better result. D did comment on how calm I was.

I called them separately into bed with me and chatted to see if they were ok. When Seamus was in bed I asked him what happened, he recounted every blow and Dave said �Did you get him?� replied by a �yes� and explaining every punch he threw, then D says �well that�s good you got your own back�, Seamus seemed pleased with that response so he got out. Otis followed he got in bed cuddled in and immediately said �hmmm it�s just that I hate this smell in here�, rolls eyes. Perhaps he could smell the sex from last night, I don�t know but he made it plain the bed smelt differently. He put his 2 cents in about the fight and was pleased just to be snuggling with his mum.

I really have no idea if I am doing the right thing, D seems right and seems really normal, he�s quirky enough and laid back enough for all this shit that I deal with on a daily basses to just let it wash off. I hope so anyway, it�s nice to have someone that I can talk to instead of sharing everything with the kids. I hope the boys can deal with me having a life without having to hide it anymore.

As we were about to leave Otis was going on about his parents being evil because they both smoke. Kids today are so well educated in smoking and he�s the perfect brainwashed media child. Then he dropped the clanger��even my mother's BOYFRIEND does� yes he said boyfriend!! I felt like saying he is not my boyfriend but I had to just smile and shrug my shoulders and hope that those words don�t send D running at a million miles in the other direction.

Well if he does so be it he will be missing out. As Hiss so nicely put it, I ��give such great value for money �. She�s right I do and I�m hoping that D can see that.

Have a good week, mine has got of to a good start!

all text is the � of Ms Do