Doing the Do


Well I�ve gone from being that mother that the boys have never seen with another man to them arriving at 7.30am on Saturday morning with Dave and I in bed. I had warned them that Dave would be here. Normally they don�t come back till 11am but their Dad had a hassle and I obliged�silly me.

I think we might have had 3 hours sleep before they arrived. I stumbled out to greet them with my dressing gown inside out hardly being able to open my eyes, mumbling some sort of incoherent message to them, walking into the kitchen getting 4 pain killers (2 for Dave and 2 for me and a bottle of water). Dave reached for the pills like an addict and I did the same. This must have revived him cause before I knew we were at it again. Then we both fell back to sleep, I got out of bed at 10 and sat with the boys, had a shower, made breakfast, went and got petrol and cigs.

Dave woke up at 12 and yes we were at it again�. shakes head�. most unlike me considering the kids were out in the lounge room. My girlfriend dropping off her child for the afternoon interrupted us, I struggled to make it out to her clothed and looking normal. We both got up and had coffee with her, she left and yes at it again�rolls eyes.

But this time half way through Otis walks in the bedroom. The look on his face was shock and I scampered across the bed to get under the covers, he gain composure and said, �Oh well I do have a question� he went on to ask it and got his answer and left. I came outside the bedroom yes after we finished off (I know what the hell is wrong with me) and Otis says �I know what you were doing�, I just mumbled something stupid and that was all that was said.

So Dave left at about 3pm Saturday and the boys got me at a weak moment and suffering from guilt I agreed to take them to the Ekka (bit like a fare, I think that�s what you American�s call it) big deal here cause it the States Capital and it goes for 10 days and costs a freaking fortune to take 2 kids to. Anyway on the drive there, Otis says again �Mum were you having sex or just, laying in bed together� the inclination in his voiced begged for me to say the latter so of course I said �just laying in bed� and his reply was �well that image is going to haunt me in my nightmares�. Poor poor darling boy what have I done!!!

Seems Dave can�t keep away he�s coming over again tonight after the boys go to bed�. smile. Am I being bad??

all text is the � of Ms Do