Doing the Do


Tonight while sitting at my computer I had a surprise visit on MSN from the Fairy God Mum. We chatted for a long time and she wanted to show me her new hair colour so we went to Yahoo I viewed her web cam. Her hair looks great by the way very bright red with golden highlights.

I had thought that mine was broken because I had dropped it while doing something a while ago. I gave it one more go and voile it worked. So there we were for a few hours chatting and laughing.

She told me she has been really busy and has not been able to update and won�t have time for few days. So I�m posting is on her behalf.

Her play is on the 17 and 18 December so keep her in your thoughts. I told her to break a leg�.that�s what you say isn�t it?

Oh and Nerddette as you have given up sex till Christmas I�m thinking that you might like to use my web cam. I think that�s the first time I�ve used it in more than six months. I�ll get you hooked first then take it away�..evil grin!

Oh and one more pic from the past. I promise no more after this one. Iam the younger one of the two.

Ok I have secret women�s business to attend to�Good night

all text is the � of Ms Do