Doing the Do


I should really be going to bed, cause I have to get up so freaking early to walk. I know I complain about that a lot but I could not be without that walking now. Funny how things change�.

Work has been driving me round the twist just ask Nerddette she has become the good listener as I vent about work�rolls eyes�Funny how things change

I guess I should tell you about work but I fear it will just get me started again and I won�t stop. In a nutshell�I am working with this group of people that infuriate me. This one person in particular who is I would say 13 years younger than me and who confessed to me yesterday that he didn�t know what a thesaurus was till a couple of years ago. He is the project leader!!! Rolls eyes�

�Bullshit I said everyone knows what a thesaurus is, we are working in Education and all the users or the majority of them are teachers, and anyone that�s been to university knows what a Thesaurus is�.� He looked at me with this cheeky smile that he uses on all the women at the office and with pride and said��Well I haven�t been to University�, I picked my jaw off the desk and replied, and �well I wouldn�t say that too loudly if I were you!��He walked away.

Is it possible that someone in their late 20�s early 30�s without a degree, newly arrived from the UK, could have managed enough projects to warrant not having that qualification? Oh and earning 75 to 80K�funny how things change.

He told me I was confrontational, yes me???? I do keep asking questions that he finds difficult to answer all related to the project, things he hasn�t thought of I�m assuming. Things he should know, I would think. I keep coming up with these ideas which he claims as his own, it�s not that which bothers me, cause I know where those ideas have come from and so does he. Denial I guess can be a strong over riding factor but as I say that doesn�t bother me as much as him not being able to stick to one decision, one firm direction. He�s one of those people that need to be liked so he changes his mind with everyone he�s talking to so they get the answers he thinks they want to hear. Even if it�s not right! I don�t get that at all. In fact it really pisses me off, big time.

I�m beginning to think he�s one of those people that can talk the talk but when you probe a bit deeper there is nothing there. I think he�s a charlatan!

Karma or something has come back at me though. They have a secret Santa at work, you know you pick someone�s name out of the hat, you keep that person�s name a secret and you give them a gift and they don�t know who gave it to them. He let out this horrible sound when he pulled out his name and said, �oh I knew it, and I just knew it�. I�m thinking that name might have been mine!! And guess whose name I pulled out of the freaking hat? Yes his!!!!

I so desperately want to give him a jar of FIGJAM but my conscious won�t allow it.

What should I give him? Help me please!

all text is the � of Ms Do