Doing the Do


I�m at work today feeling a little worse for wear. I�ve done nothing just feel like I�ve been hit by a steamroller or truck take your pick. I just said that to someone and they said actually you look like that�not nice to hear!

I stayed home yesterday and slept most of the day. Otis did not want to go to school because it�s the 2nd last day before 6 weeks of school holidays I said he could stay home. He had been a bit stressed at the beginning of the week and I could not work out what was wrong. I was getting really worried. With his Asperger�s he does have the tendency to obsess about things that become huge in his mind and I thought that was what the problem was.

He has a phobia about clay animation for a reason that happened to him as a child while at the pictures with his Dad. His Dad took him to an Ardman Animation Festival. Just because it�s animation does not mean it�s for kids. Anyway some Ardman Animation (The Wrong Trousers, Wallace and Grommet stuff) was advertised on the TV and he was stressed from that point on. I have had to try and talk him through it and I was not making progress at all and was just stressing him out further so I rang his Advisory Teacher and asked if she could speak to him. She did and he was relived.

Anyway I thought that this was the issue ok with him being flat and just laying around. He has an extremely high pain threshold and I must say I do forget this from time to time�and one of these times being this week. He told me in passing he had a sore ear on Tuesday and he mentioned it again on Wednesday just those 2 times ok nothing more. If Seamus has an earache I know about and he doesn�t let me forget it. I know how painful they are ok, as most people do who have had one. Anyway in Otis� mild way he woke me from my sleep yesterday and said when are you taking me to the Drs for my earache. I hesitated because I didn�t really know we had gotten to that stage but said, �yes I�ll make an appointment now�.

I took him to the Drs and we had to wait longer than we thought and because he had only spoken about that ear ache no more than 3 time in the last 3 days I didn�t think it was very bad but wanted to go because that�s what I had done with Seamus about 2 weeks ago. He even made a comment in the Drs that if he knew he had to wait this long he would not have bothered.

So we get into the Dr and he has a look and I of course am expecting him to say yes it looks a little sore but nothing to worry about�but NO!! The tells me he has had a raging infection to the point that the eardrum has burst�yes BURST, POPPED EXPLODED!! Imagine the pressure before that and how intense the pain must have been. I felt like a neglectful mother and asked him �Why didn�t you tell me is was that sore?�, you know what his response was�� Oh yeah I was going to but I kept forgetting��how on earth you could forget about that kind of pain is beyond me.

He�s always had trouble with his ears to the point when he as a toddler he had to get grommets. I would never know he had an infection until he had puss pooling in the outside of his ear�yes you heard that right. It would distress me no end and I would be crying and he would be as happy as Larry, (whoever Larry is).

So now I realise the problem about him being so flat over the weekend and particularly Monday was that is ear was killing him�.

all text is the � of Ms Do