Doing the Do


I went Christmas shopping yesterday, it was a long day, lots of people at the shops and I was tired. By the time I had finished I was kind of delirious from passing over cash for gifts. I�m not sure I�ve even finished, I don�t have the energy to check yet either.

I had to be home by 3pm, which was cutting it fine for getting everything I needed. I had that small loophole to get it all. I had to race home because the neighbourhood was having a party in my back yard. I arrived home with groceries, gifts and was greeted by my neighbours. They had set up the backyard, they all have partners and the majority of the women don�t work, so they knew I was going to be late and expected me to be much later. I arrived home to 3 large tables set up huge amount of chairs, eskies, food, coloured lights in my trees, a pine tree in the back yard was covered in Christmas lights and a lamb was cooking on the spit. The day before they had mowed my lawn and sprayed some sort of powder to kill the green ants that live there. The party was beginning.

My house was a shambles, not having the kids for this week I�ve left it and made the choice not to clean but just relax and enjoy. I felt overwhelmed at the work they had done and I realised that my house would be the place for peeing etc and using the kitchen.

I took the next 1/2 hour to quickly pick up my dirty clothes, my piles of shoes, my dirty dishes, my crap laying everywhere and the walked out calm and composed the party began. My boys came back for the party. Seamus left to go onto another one with his Dad and Otis stayed with me for the night. I was the last to leave the party cause after all it was in my backyard so i think i crawled into bed very pissed at about 1am. Everyone stumbed home, some jumped fences, others gathered there kids from the beds inside my house everyone is drunk, it was a lovely party all in my backyard.

I�ve woken up this morning to the men in the street cleaning up the back yard. I brought up the dishes and they are still sitting on my sink waiting to be cleaned. Its 1pm and I they don�t look like being done for the next couple of hours.

Thanks Hiss, Fairy God Mum and Nerddette for your notes regarding my purge and probably uncomfortable entry for some. Diaryland is after all the outlet I need to get rid of shit�..It felt good to peel that off sorry about that�.i�m sure there will be more to come�.smile

all text is the � of Ms Do