Doing the Do


I realise there is more than one truth, that�s a given in this life. What I can�t understand is the lack of truth from people in general. Why do people say what they think you want to hear rather than the truth? I realise some people don�t have the nerve, balls, gumption, or whatever but spare me the old tale of I didn�t want to hurt you.

I�m a really strong woman ok and I don�t need to be pandered to or not told the truth because you don�t have the balls too. That simply doesn�t cut it for me at ALL. I believe in justice and that means the truth. I believe people on face value, if someone tells me they are going to do something I believe it, why shouldn�t I?

If we could all tell the truth a little more wouldn�t life be less complex. I want freaking simple ok, no hidden agenda�s, and no ulterior motives; just lay it on the line. Where are your spines, your balls and your truth? Oh hidden you say?�well walk on by.

Come on tell me the truth I can deal with it�.

all text is the � of Ms Do