Doing the Do


First email i got the other day.....felt wounded

"Guess who got lucky on the weekend?

An old friend came back into my life unexpectedly.

Hope your weekend was as exciting!"

Bit blown away by that, but the night before i must have scared the bejesus out of him because apart from alot of other things he wrote.....

"Although to be honest a little intimidated by your sexual confidence and past experiences - and if we went there how I would stack up or loosen up enough to really enjoy it."

Ok i got my point across to him and to tell you the truth i didn't even tell half of what has gone on in my life. I kind of knew he wasn't for me and i realised he was toooo.....(CAN'T FIND THE WORD TO DESCRIBE HIM)meek? mild? sexually limited? I kept saying to my friends he's a nice guy but......and couldn't put my finger on it.

Anyway that's resolved big weight of the shoulders.....

Imagine me being sexually intimidating....rolls eyes.

Oh and regarding those 2 entries of yesterday, they weren't directed at anyone that reads my diary ok. I did get a few calls from people asking if it was them and a few unexpected emails from people. It was no one from here ok, mostly to do with my working situation.

Ok have to get moving taking the boys to the Ekka for the day.

all text is the � of Ms Do