Doing the Do


I had a really pleasant weekend. One of those ones where not much happens but the vibe and just hanging with the boys was just wonderful.

Seamus being almost 11 (I�m not allowed to say he�s 10) wanted to go to a PCYC dance (blue light disco thingy) and advised me he had no clothes. I had to make a trip to the shops with him to get a new shirt. He�s so into fashion it drives me crazy, I do understand the needing a new outfit thing though so of course being the push over that I am went and helped him out.

Otis and I hung at home together while Seamus went off and did the socializing for the family. My ex-sister-in-law called out of the blue on Saturday and ended up coming over. I have not really had much contact with her and to be honest that�s just fine with me. She�s not a very warm soul; anyway she rang to say that she was breaking up with P my ex�s brother. She came over and chatted. I don�t believe they have broken up at all she seemed hazy on the subject and just wanted company. I know they have not been having a great time as of late but I�m not sure I�m the one she should be leaning on. I listened to her and offered support but really she hadn�t come over for that I don�t think more just company. I know she�s a heavy drinker; I�ve been over there before lunch to drop my boys off for a play with her�s and smelt wine on her breath. I ended up staying cause I didn�t like the idea of her being drunk with them alone. I don�t know what I can do to help, but I think she�s the one sinking that marriage.

Sunday we all got up and Seamus had an assignment I helped a bit with that, and then ordered some whiting (grilled) from down the road for lunch. Damn it was lovely. A friend of the boys came over they amused themselves.

I didn�t do much but decided to just lie on the bed and read for a bit. It was really warm and the sun was hitting the bed. I lied in the sun and fell off to sleep and didn�t wake for 2 � hours. It was lovely. Then I got up and attended the domestics of cooking. I cooked dinner for the evening and for tomorrow night as well and I even made stewed apple.

A simple weekend, I really enjoyed with the boys not much happened. My boys are proving to be really nice kids.

Did you know that at a PCYC (Police Citizens Youth Club) dance for kids under 13 years?

1. That they don�t ask anyone to dance directly?
2. The friend they are with has to ask the girl would she like to dance with my friend and visa versa.
3. If a girl kisses you that means she�s your girlfriend.
4. If your friends aren�t dancing nor are you.
5. You have to dress in the latest fashion
6. You have to wear your hair in a Mohawk
7. Your mother cannot be seen to be nice to you.
8. The mother has to linger in the shadows while waiting to pick you up
9. You have to be at the dance at least � hour before hand.
10. You have to have extra money to buy crap with
11. The next day you have to be cranky cause of lack of sleep.

all text is the � of Ms Do