Doing the Do


Stuff since Jan 1

Stopped smoking on Jan 1
Told M to go home on New�s Year Day, thought I would give him a call when I was ready to see him again.
After 2 weeks I had still not made that call to M.
M called me though to say he hates my guts.
Single again�.smile
Boys go away for one week in holidays.
I get up to mischief.
I have a Daddy Dom, he makes me laugh. I am his Baby�.giggles
I am very bad at my last week of work, I do nothing.
L goes out with G and I ends up sleeping with G while I�m in bed asleep, I wake to someone knocking at door thinking it�s the boys I answer. I find L�s husband at door.
I go into shock.
I make sure L�s husband is in living room and I race to bedroom and see L and G fucking and I say �S (your husband) is here�
S wants to come over and talk to me one day later
SL rings to tell me that her youngest daughter is in hospital with brain bleed.
I spend next couple of nights going back up to hospital.
I start my new job.
Otis starts High School
Otis cries the entire first week of school. He says �I was totally unprepared for the grief I felt at realising I had left primary school�.
Seamus is very jealous and wants so badly to be going to high school
We are all suffering from too much change.
T and I had a falling out. Our friendship altered overnight.
Rebuilding friendship slowly, it�s not lost, I believe that
My new job pays by the month. I�ve been with an income for one month, its killing me.
Started walking at 5am with T. ((((walking buddies))))
I confront my boss and tell him that his expectations and my expectations of the job don�t seem to be aligned.
S still blames me for his wife sleeping with G (an old lover of mine)�.that annoys the living hell out of me.
I get paid.
I take the boys away to the coast of a weekend because they have been so good about me leaving earlier for work and getting home later. I�m proud of them.
I go hiking to Mt Barney with g/f and her boyfriend�.love it!
My Otis turns 14.
I buy a Mixmaster.

I wear new pair of trousers knowing that I hadn�t for some reason before.
I feel very young and sexy.
I catch the early train.
Seamus rings to say he�s catching bus to school.
I could get to work by 8.15
I sit at Roma Street Station and miss the first train intentionally.
I continue to read my book it�s at a good part.
I catch second train and still arrive at work at 8.28
I ring Otis to tell him to walk out door and go to school
I discover that reason for not wearing trousers� they are too long.
The hem on pants falls down.
I�m walking all over trousers.
I catch site of myself in mirror
I realise I have huge arse and every other part is jiggley�.bugger it!
Daddy is sending very naughty emails
Mojo had returned again. (I like it when it goes away, gives me a break, being single and having mojo is a recipe for disaster).
Trying to get reinstated back into Hiss' fav list
Back to work for now.

all text is the � of Ms Do