Doing the Do


I�m taking 10 mins out of my day. I love this new job it uses all of my expertise and is pushing me to learn more. I feel capable and in control although I feel slightly on the edge where I feel at any time it could get out of control, with the quantity of work, that is. I have a lot to do and sometime I don�t know how I�m going to do it. I kind of get off on that stress and nervous energy but that I�m afraid it is a fine balance also.

Well last Thursday I went on a blind date set up by none other than my sister. I�ve been on my own for almost 8 years and she decides that she should send me on a blind date with one of her work colleagues. I was very daunted when she asked because I feel she is a lot more conservative than I am. Not wanting to sound ungrateful and not offend her I though oh ok, do it for her couldn�t be any worse than the dates I�ve been on.

So the ICU Nurse called that evening she had SMS�d my phone number to him. He rang after 8.30pm which to me means he thinks, or he has kids. We had a small conversation we both made a joke and he called me �babe�. I put the phone down and said �fuck he called me babe!�

Now if you have read Janet Evonavich and the Stephanie Plumb series than it�s an elusive search for your Morelli, a man that can call you babe without it sounding lame or goober but sexy. Well P (as I will refer to him as) pulled off the sexy �babe�. I think it�s also his English accent that assisted that. He was well onto the way of me liking him already and I hadn�t even laid eyes on him.

Thursday night came round we met for coffee and I must say the zing was there. I felt really relaxed and he put me totally at ease. He went back to uni the same time as me and studied Anthropology and Archaeology. He�s owned a Taverna on a Greek Island somewhere, he owned a boat charter company somewhere in the West Indies and several other things that I can�t recall. But the best thing about him was that he has depth, he�s lived a life, he�s really interesting, he has 2 boys just like me and they chose to live with him rather than their mother and he�s very sexy.

So we had a bit of test run on Thursday night but not nearly enough. I�ve not been able to see him since Thursday night because I went out Friday night for my birthday, yes I turned 45 on 19th March. I had a very wild night and ended up smoking his smoke before I went out for dinner, so I was a mess really before the night began but hey it was excellent. Eight loud women laughing, eating, drinking and screaming at one another at a restaurant in West End. Was excellent. And I�ve had the kids every night since then. So tonight is the night that we meet up again.

He�s been texting me often, he�s called me every night. He calls me babe, he calls me gorgeous always, he�s taken me out to lunch and said �oh you�re more gorgeous than I first thought�. He says that I�m sexy, interesting, I�ve lived a life, and a gorgeous creature. Now normally this would make me run in the other direction but NO it�s not. I�m in serious like with this man. Can it possibly happen that quickly?

And I would not normally tell you all this so quickly (because I think d�land can be jinx for this kind of shit) but hey I don�t care, not going to hide this one he�s a dish. Whatever I�ve said to him has come straight back to me. I can feel his reciprocation and it feels good.

I will report back�.smile

Last text message this am: :� Mornin darlin have a good 1 c u tonight Hooray�

all text is the � of Ms Do