Doing the Do


�Night night gorgeous. Am watching jerry hall being photographed at the studio. Interesting�

That was a text from Phil in London. He has all the breaks�.

Am missing him incredibly but at the same time I�m enjoying my own time particularly last weekend. I just potted for two days straight, read a book, watch a few dvd�s and basically chilled.

I still have not heard from T regarding what I said to her when I was drunk. It kind of shows me where we stand. If I don�t make the contact with her it will never happen. I�ve thought about it but I don�t know what to say. I also know from previous discussions she�s had with me when other of her friendships have broken down that it�s a power struggle she has going in her head, I�m not entering into that, if she wants to contact me than she can. I know she feels upset by what I said. I feel upset that she still can�t tell me and had no intention of doing anything to make contact. This lack of contact just shows me where our friendship really was.

Work is slightly frustrating I�m still waiting for this development work to be finished so I can get on with what I have to do. I know now that it will probably extend over Easter which means that I will be doing some work over that weekend. I guess that�s ok but I would really like to have 4 days of doing nothing much and spending time with Phil on his return.

The politics here at work is also heating up to an incredible high pitched fever. The marketing people who have the new boss BB in charge are annoyed. The marketing managers from each office have come for a 3 day conference. The other two girls that work closely with all of them and are here in Brisbane where the conference (in the same building even!) is held have been given the cold shoulder. They are suppose to be in the words of BB �bringing the team together� which the other 2 girls are definitely part of. Seems they are making an awful mistake in dividing a team but hey I really think BB is from the old school of managing where the more senior is like a school mistress. That kind of management I thought would have been eradicated years ago.

I�ve had really positive feedback from the website I created for the delivery of projects. It use to be a power point slide and I made it into a workable website which makes all the procedures, forms and guidelines immediately at their fingertips. The American parent company couldn�t say enough about it apparently according to my boss. So that�s great.

The boys are really good and enjoying school but they can hardly wait for Easter to come. I was suppose to be having the last weekend of the holidays off the Friday and Monday to have a 4 day weekend but that�s looking a bit dubious with this work not completed. They are happy to be spending from Thursday before Easter until the following Thursday with their Dad. It makes such a difference that he has a huge house now with swimming pool, pool table, 3 computers and plenty of space instead of that poky 2 bedroom unit where they weren�t able to raise their voices. Finally he�s stepped up to the plate.

I was going to go to GI on one of the weekends at Easter to visit Mum but the boys don�t want to go the last weekend before school starts back. Which is fair enough, so if I�m not doing work on that weekend of Easter I might just take a drive down by myself, I�ll see what happens?

Although Judy, my sister did ring to ask if I could help her take Margaret down to GI. Margaret is my oldest sister she has MS and she is very demanding and almost immobile. Judy wants me to help her take her down. I have said yes but it will have to be on a weekend I don�t have the boys. I think that is going to happen before the end of April so I might hang out till then too. I�ll just go with the flow. If that does happens it will be a really long, stressful and demanding weekend. I love Marg and we have all been though her MS with her, and if you know MS it is a shitty disease. She is in the last stages of having control over her body so I guess with that goes the extreme control she likes to have over what goes on with other people interacting with her. It makes helping her almost impossible, frustrating and STRESSFUL for her and her carers (which I will be that weekend).

all text is the � of Ms Do