Doing the Do


Back to walking this morning after a week almost two weeks, I had a kidney infection that laid me flat for 4 days. I�m over that now and feeling pretty good really. I find my day is much more focused if I do walk. It must be something to do with chemicals that are released when exercising.

Phil turns 50 next month, so yesterday I suggested he have a party or something. He said he wanted the day to pass without any celebration. I suggested going out just to dinner and that R would do an invitation for him to send via email. He said I don�t do email, he�s right he doesn�t but I�m sure his friends do! He said he didn�t have anyone to invite and I pressed on and just kept talking then I stopped as I noticed his twitching�.giggles.

Anyway that evening he spoke to me again and he had spoken to a few friends about this �party� I had been talking about and now he�s all geared up. I asked how many there might be, and he�s gone from no friends to over 50�.smile. He thanked me for pushing him and now he�s really excited.

I have another girlfriend coming over from UK. R and I have been plotting and planning what we will be doing. R has done all the arranging as she was a wedding planner in her previous life; she�s very good at it.

Phil is having a dinner party on Saturday night which will be fun so there is a bit of cooking and planning on both our parts to get this to go off smoothly. Eight people so it should be very interesting to say the least. Phil�s best friend who lives around the corner and his wife (whom I find incredibly rude) are coming. I tolerate her because she is Phil�s best friend�s wife I have told Phil and he has said that other people have said the same thing about her. He says he doesn�t go to visit her he goes to visit S. Anyway turns out some other friends (old friend from years ago) and his new wife works with J (rude woman). So they are coming too. J was keen to have them over for dinner when she found out that I knew them. Phil said he was going to do it instead. So it will be very interesting because she will not be in her house she will be a guest of Phil�s who she is extremely rude too, which means she might have to be nice. I�m dying to see what kind of a face she puts on for these other people because she�s rude to me by association of Phil. Except for this last time I went over and she found out I knew T and D, she actually put some effort in when she realised the dinner party was 2 weeks away.

I had heard via the grape vine that she thinks I don�t like her because she never takes the time when I come over with Phil. Because �Phil is there all the time�, her words not mine. Phil does call in most afternoons to speak with S because they like each other or �love� as Phil says. Anyway it�s a really weird dynamic because J and S�s relationship is so mother and son. I don�t think her rudeness is restricted to just Phil I think it�s all S�s friends.

I�ll get back to you on that one, what I really hope is that she can let down her guard and we all have a great time. Actually I know we will as the other people coming are all very friendly, talkative and funny. It should be a good night, let hope she leaves her disapproving mother face at home�

all text is the � of Ms Do