Doing the Do


I�ve been so busy I don�t really know where or when to start. My girlfriend has gone back to Tassy or she does tomorrow. I will miss her, I�ve had a very nice time with her and was especially nice to have her wash my clothes and have them folded when I got home from work. I seem to work all day at work come home and work to get things at home in order and under control I don�t really sit down till about each night. I�m sure I�m not the only single mother doing it but it sure is nice to have a helping hand. I have appreciated all that she has done for me while she has been here.

Having said all of that I am so pleased to have my house back to my boys and myself. Having another person in your home on a full time basis is a challenge. Which makes me think I think I will be single forever and after my boys leave home whenever that may be I am sure I will be living by myself. It takes a bit of compromise to share your space with another adult and at this stage I am not ready for that at all.

I have a book I have been trying to read for a week now and every time I have attempted to get stuck in I�ve had someone here. I sound like a cranky old bitch. I just want one entire weekend to myself without one person just dropping over and that also includes D. I like him I really do but I�m sick of being the hostess with the mostess. He knows about my world and really I have not been into his. It�s about time that happened. Well I�m not demanding really just that he always claims that he�s the guest and therefore has some sort of rights to just sit� ain�t on!!!! However the flip side of that is that he performs to his very very best which is excellent in the bedroom so I give in very easily to his request of coffee or tea. Not much to do really I guess? I did tell him that I feared that he was always going to be the guest and I would never get a coffee in bed. He did say it was coming�..well so is Christmas.

So this weekend is with the boys and the next is without and D says he is going to be away on one of his trips for 2.5 weeks. I hope he does this time; he always gets a bit toey for �the Wench� as he affectionately calls me. I would like �the Pimp� to stay the distance so that I get a weekend to myself�but ssshhhhh don�t tell him. You know what men�s ego�s are like�rolls eyes. More than likely I will be wanting him back for a bit of bedroom playing and probably wishing he wasn�t staying the distance. Oh contraire!

That blue moon has made me very very cranky, it could also be the fact that I am just bone tired.

Took this from Boxx9000 see what sort of kitty I make��

PSS Just read this about Pisces which i am might explain how i feel Pisces are born between February 19th and March 20th Pisces is a Water sign. Yours is a personality which is a combination of all the zodiac. You may be gifted musically or artisticly, and creativeness is inherent in you. You are a great empathiser, always knowing how someone else is feeling. This makes you a good councellor and a sensitive lover. You enjoy solitude occasionally and like to get away from it all and be along in order to regain your senses.

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all text is the � of Ms Do