Doing the Do


Been home again today. Seamus went to bed without dinner last night and put himself to bed at 7.00pm, which is just so not Seamus at all. He was still not well this morning and Otis has the most incredible hacking cough. I am however over being home with them for 4 days straight. I think for all our sakes we need to get back to work and school.

Last night I got out the bloody weight watchers book. I�ve put on weight and I don�t like it at all. I�ve never really suffered from being overweight but you know when your clothes don�t feel as good as they use to and your buying bigger clothes to hide those curves. Well I am there and NOT Liking it at all. I have to take matters into my own hands and actually do something about it. I also want to give up smoking but I just want to get the weight and exercise in place before I being that hideous climb to being a NON SMOKER.

I am this weekend going to spend time on my portfolio because there is a graphic designer/web designer job coming up at work and I WANT IT. So that�s the goal for career.

I am also going to get my tax done on Friday night cause that is of high importance as well. I feel like I�m getting back on the path which is good cause I tell ya after 5 years of study I feel like I am ready to tackle a few things now. I feel the need to document all these things cause really I have to get moving again and out of my comfort zone and start taking steps in the direction I want to go in.

Had a few text messages from D, he seems to be having a bit of a problem down south but nothing I�m sure he can�t work out. Oh yeah and I�m already missing the sex�rolls eyes.

Well I�m off to the shops to get some battery supplies. Ho hum.

- - - - I'm out of the pj's but that's about it really. - - -

all text is the � of Ms Do