Doing the Do


Extracts from a few emails at work

Thursday 28/10/2004 09:26:52 AM
Subject: Re: good morning

Hello Mon

At work again......*screwed up look on face*
Went walking at 5.30am
Might be getting into a habit!
Have a house inspection today
Boys visit their Dad tonight
Libido skyrockets
Poor Bob
Have to try and change thought patterns
Meeting at 10
Morning tea is normally at 10
What to do?
New woman working behind me
She's been on the phone all morning
Keep talking to me


Sent: Thursday, 28 October 2004 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: good morning

Well Good Morning Ms Clare,
I've got a big smile from your up to date news list of your day so far. I
do enjoy seeing your email appear on my screen.
It was a bit Bridget Jones
Who is Bob? smirks questioningly
I hope you wrote some of what you told me last night, it really was funny,
the visuals girl, the girl!
Take morning tea after meeting...definitely keep morning tea.

Clockwork, first day of the reds... it still amazes me every month.. I
don't know why though.

About to go on my first break at 10 as well.
tell me about the meeting


Sent: Thursday, 28 October 2004 11:28 AM

answer to question 1

Who is Bob?

My best friend my buddy my everlasting non-talking, action packed, swivelling, vibing, Battery Operated Boy. who else would I be talking about?

And nope didn't write about it but haven't forgot about I will tonight, or


Sent: Thursday, 28 October 2004 12:21 PM

how was the meeting?
I just got some feed back from my uncle for the cd and promo pack we
to his record company.
It was critical and awesome. We have some things to consider if we want
them to distribute for us. Looks like we might need to wait for the next
with a stronger promo image....

mmmmmmmm.... you know in the back of my mind I knew that..... our promo
pack probably needs to be more slick.... let me say that again, our
pack needs to be more slick.

Just came back from lunch, and don't feel like I left.
counting down the hours already.

Oh, yes, Bob... what was I thinking!!! Obviously I wasn't


Sent: Thrusday, 28/10/2004 03:04:04 PM

I had another meeting and it went for 2 1/2 can not be
expected to maintain focus for that long being in my state.

So are you saying that the promo pack was not good including my cd
cover. I don't think I saw your pack at all. It should have been
managed by ONE person!!! Oh well now you know, valuable advice I'd
imagine. I think I know some one (points to self) that could do an entire promo package.

I rang you before on your mobile will speak to you later.

Have good evening.


Sent: Thursday, 28 October 2004 3:15 PM

Can I go home now?

Sent:Thu 28/10/2004 3:17 PM

Yes fine by me off you go!!!


Friday 29.10.04 8.51am
stayed up late and watched trash TV
went for a walk
cig and coffee
packed the car
fiddled around
tried to squeeze into a black top
changed tops
drove to work
sat down here
could fall asleep

PS exercise is excellent but it raises one�s libido dramatically.

Friday 29.10.04 8.53am

Well good morning,
are you ready to go cruisin' in the V6 baby?

Friday 29.10.04 9.05am

Hell yeah i am.

Friday 29.10.04 9.07am

I must have sent my email as you were...
thats all a little weird,
and you are on time...

your morning rundown is becoming addictive reading.
big smiles and laughs...

Ok Well i'm off now "I'm going riding on the Freeway of Love in my White Holden Commodore".....smirk

all text is the � of Ms Do