Doing the Do


Email sent at 9.30am.

Mon texted me to tell me that her email is delayed.

Ms Mon

I got your text message thanks. I know you can't reply cause of the delay but I will let you know what happened last night.

Met Gary again at Garden City for dinner first. He paid for that. He wanted to know what I had said to my girlfriend.
I said "not much",
"oh thanks for that" was his reply.
He said "so my ears were not burning so you must not have spoken about me much?" "I did tell her that you had (look of horror on my face) kissed me and held my hand".....
"you didn't let my hand go and you kissed back".....
"Oh really did I?"
"yes you did"

We went to get tickets I really wanted to pay he insisted again. I let him...
He tried to hold my hand but I had my handbag on that side so he made for my other side. I told him he was going to fast
"I'm walking too fast" he replied with a grin
"yes" and I rolled my eyes.

It went on and on.....
He held my hand in the movies.....I took it back
He tried again and said I had had time enough and he held it with 2 hands not one...
I started getting a cramp in my hand and I moved it. He thought I was caressing his hand.....rolls eyes. I somehow wiggled my hand out to give it some space. He still had my arm. I eventually got it back.

He tried to get my hand again when we left. I almost ran to the car.
He pecked me on the cheek. I DID NOT RETURN ANY KIND OF KISS.
He told me on Friday he is going away for 9 days.

"oh well enjoy that then have a good time" I replied
"no I was telling you that cause we will see each other before than cause your kid less"
"oh oh oh ok"

got in my car and drove as fast as I could home

opened the door lite a cig and drank the UDL of vodka and pineapple crush I had bought by accident on the weekend. showed the top half of my naked body to Sam on web cam and used bob and went to bed.

Have not heard from him so far....

am I a witch (take off the w and replace with b)?



all text is the � of Ms Do