Doing the Do


I have been thinking about that last little sentence in my last entry. I was feeling particularly annoyed with my EX. I guess moving and the expense with it brings up all kinds of shit.

I read the selection criteria for that job yesterday. I will be applying but a mirical will have to occur for me to get that job.

I have sent off two more applications this morning. I'm making a committment to myself that i will be out of this job within the next 6 months and in another earning more.

I feel like at the moment i have a very short level of patience for anything connected with work. I'm tired, stressed and over the pressure that is being applied. All my family and friends understand that when i say I"M TRIED, i mean it and they know to just leave me alone untill i recover. I must warn that poor bastard at work too!

all text is the � of Ms Do