Doing the Do


What a freaking weekend. I had no kids so that was lovely. Saturday i ran from one place to another having to get the things done that i needed to do. I think i was home for about 1 hour during the day. Ended up going to the movies to see "Mad Hot Ballroom". It was excellent and well worth seeing.

Sunday left me feeling kind of sluggish. I had to do the freaking domestics i procrastinated all day. Thought about leaving the grocies till Monday night but i got a message from nerddette saying she would see me on Monday and could i pick up her son after work as she has to do a late night lecture at uni. Its was 5.30pm at the stage and the shops close at 6.00pm. I raced like a mad woman possed to get everything i needed. Thanks for that push nerddette.

I got my haircut this weekend also. I was too involved in reading a magazine article to take much notice of what the hairdresser was doing. I now have a much shorter hair and very shaggy looking. No sure i even like it.....doesn't matter though, hair grows back.

I also go new glasses, i can't believe how wonderful it is to be able to see again CLEARLY! I notice after the shops had closed though that there is a slight chip in them. That's NOT OK. I will be calling them today. I'm not going to like giving them back to get fixed, means i will have to use my old ones and not see as well.

Next weekend i have to take my car in to get the damage fixed from that bloody accident i had with that Real Bitch who attacked me for hitting her car. I don't know how long i will be without it, but once again NERDDETTE to the rescue. She is using her mum's car while they are overseas. So i will be borrowing her's till mine is fixed. THANKS Nerddette once

My sister called last night to tell me that my mother is getting worse. Seems the alzimers is taking a further hold. So sad to see her mind leaving her perfectly good body. Hard to speak to her when she can't recall really who you are. I never thought it would get to this so quickly. This is going to sound horrible. Mum would hate being like this, I think and i mean think, it would be good if she just slipped over to the other side. No i don't mean that i would hate for her to be not here, but i struggle with the concept that she's not here anyway.....fuck it's a horrible disease. I'm going to go eat baked bean and blueberries, brain food, so i'm told!

Ok Monday morning off to work, lots to do.

all text is the � of Ms Do