Doing the Do


What a weekend�. They always seem to start on a Thursday when P makes his way over to my house. We both worked Friday and P returned around 8pm that night.

Saturday we got up slowly, he had to go do his stuff like make a meal to take to his friend�s party at 12.30 that day. I wanted to go up to the shops to get a few things. Things I have been neglecting. I seem to spend all my time with P, not complaining at all, just leaves little time for much else.

I ended up at P�s house around 12.30 to go off to his friend�s party. I had only meet S and J the people having the party a couple of times. I knew no one else ok. But I left such a freaking impression they won�t forget me�.rolls eyes.

It was midday it was hot, I started drinking in the sun. I�m not a big drinker and certainly not a big smoker of dope. In fact most times when I drink and smoke at the same time I vomit. And I only seem to do them hand-in-hand because really I don�t like dope. Anyway let me continue. Everyone there were big smokers. I saw about 4 joints being passed around, I resisted because really I know I don�t like it. Something happened though I crossed over the line of making sense, I must have been drunk. There was a bong being passed around. I have not had a bloody bong since I was 20 something�..that calculates to 25 years without thereabouts. What makes me think this particular day I would be ok with having one? I have no idea but there I was packing one like I�d been doing it for the last 25 years. I took it all in and got the most amazing rush I�d had in years.

5 mins pass�..

Not feeling so great. I make my way to the toilet. I sit there thinking shit I think I�m going to pass out. I remember my sister telling me how she passed out on the toilet and she woke to broken front teeth, split lip and blood nose. So I stood up, I don�t remember much after that until I woke up on the floor between the bath tub and the vanity cabinet, I stood up again, then I remember J coming in to see what the noise was. Yes it was me I�d hit the floor not once but twice. I did not break teeth I did not have a split lip or a blood nose. But I had a very sore head which I�m sure I hit twice. I have an egg on the right hand side of my head. My left shoulder is sore. My right cheek of my arse aches and I have the most unbelievable bruise taking shape on the left cheek of my face.

I have no idea what I connected with or how, but I do know that the vanity cupboard connected with my face. I�m very lucky, I�ve have a million scenario�s go through my head as to what could have happened.

I managed to get out of there with only J and one of her friends finding out. P got a phone call from his son to come home and I said I would go with him. He couldn�t understand why, then you should have seen the look on his face when I told him what had happened. His reply was �why the fuck darling didn�t you tell me? I would have been able to help you!� (he is an intensive care nurse) I just looked at him and said, �Oh shit so embarrassing I didn�t want anyone one to know�.

Anyway I was just glad to get home to his house in one piece. My face aches, my arse aches and so does my shoulder oh yeah and my head��I�m never ever going to touch dope again. What does a 45 year old mother of 2 young boys think she is doing??? I was trying to keep up with the older 50 year olds at the party that�s all!!!

I hate to think what my face is going to look like. The bruising is only just starting to show, it will be green, purple, yellow and blue. Nice combo for the cheek. I look seriously like I have be punched. I told P that everyone would be talking about him behind his back.

I made P go back to the party after he realised I was ok. He went back and by that time they all knew what had happened�.rolls eyes. He came home about an hour later, saying I shouldn't be embarrassed etc��oh lord I am and will be for ages or a least until this bruise is GONE!!!

That brings me to the next thing how do I explain the bruise? I can�t just say oh I had a bong and fainted in the toilets. I feel like I can�t tell the entire story to anyone at work at least, so I feel like whatever I say I�m trying to cover the truth which some people might think that I�ve been hit by my boyfriend�..rolls eyes. P is so far away from doing anything like that its simply ridiculous. What will I say? You see how foolish I feel!!

all text is the � of Ms Do