Doing the Do


Ok I�m over work for the day and I�m busily typing away here looking like I�m thinking and organising an intranet. Well I�m not, I�m tired, and frankly my back is giving me grief. The bathroom fainting episode is starting to pay out on me. My face did not bruise like I thought it would, thank god. I have been applying the cream the P gave to me as often as I think about it and I think it has worked.

Yesterday I went and saw the Man with the Golden Fingers (my acupuncturist/herbalist/therapeutic massage man) the man I turn to when I know western medicine is not going to solve a thing. I told him of my fall and explained how my back ached and my face was feeling numb. I didn�t go into the entire story I just told him I fainted in the bathroom and hit myself in various places. He wanted to ask why I fainted but the look I gave him made him just shake his head and continue on with resolving the issues, my back and face.

I have a sprained sacrum which had twisted which was making it difficult to sit for too long. He gave me a quick massage to twist it back and then decided acupuncture was the best course of action. He said that there was a lot of heat coming from that area and that the ligaments felt all loose and that the needles would tighten it back up again.

The face, yes I hit an area that has 3 facial nerves in it. My face feels like I�m at the last stages of an anaesthetic wearing off after the dentist. Slightly numb but not completely just enough to be annoying really. He put a needle behind my ear and 2 in my jaw.

I can tell you that my face is starting to feel better and it�s nowhere near as numb at it was. Last night I actually felt my jaw relax to an open position, and as P said �enough for me to put my cock inside?��.giggles. My back is hurting but I think that�s a good thing because I think I had got to the stage where my body was compensating for it and not hurting, which means it would have resurfaced in some ugly form somewhere else or somehow else. It does feel sprained if that makes sense? Just weak! So I�ve been using a doll shaped wheat bag and heating that and sticking it down my jeans while I sit here at the computer at work, not a very good look but hell I don�t care.

Hmm I just looked up the Sacrum joint and this is what it said �The joint is an extremely stable structure because of its bony configuration and ligamentous support. The ligaments of this joint are among the strongest in the human body.� Interesting cause it seems I have sprained mine. Yes I would have been like a freaking 70kg floppy doll (doll is probably too dainty a word) or dead fucking weight crashing onto the bathroom cabinet against the bath and onto the floor and whatever else was in my way I hit it. Then stood up again like an idiot and had another fall onto different bathroom bits all of them hard and unforgiving. Thank god I did not hit my temple.

The darling man is taking me away next weekend. I said Sydney was too far and spending money on flights was not good just for the weekend when that can be spent on other things. Neither of us is rich and it would be nice to have a nice dinner or something like that�Not that I�m spending his money or anything�.smile.

My sister�s husband won tickets the Soccer World Cup in Germany. They are going in less than a month. I think that�s excellent it will be good for them to go overseas together without their kids. 10 days of just them in another country. Nice little gift from the gods don�t you think?

Not much else is going on. I�ve been spending all my time with P. I can�t imagine him not being in my life. We are like two love sick puppies that just smile at one another constantly. It must be sickening for other people. Oh wait we tend to just hang out together really�..laughing. No tonight R, B and L are all coming over for drinks, take out and chats. It will be good to catch up again.

I really wish the day was over. 1 and half hours to go and really fucking counting��

all text is the � of Ms Do