Doing the Do


Shhhhh��a break at work. There is a content freeze on the intranet for a few days here which frees me up a bit after that though it�s another story.

Work has been interesting to say the least there has been a bit of a restructure with a department near me. I have been a fly on the wall watching the politics unfold. A new director has been appointed to this department and it�s a woman. She is probably the only female director in the company. I should be pleased with that little statistic but I have another opinion entirely. I actually think she has become a man as she has climbed up the corporate ladder. She is 1 year older than me, no kids and has been in the corporate world for years. She is obsessing me at the moment. I find her very fascinating, transparent, nasty, sweet and a demon.

She talks very loudly when she wants people to hear what a fascinating life she has (which I can assure you she doesn�t) and whispers when she�s plotting and planning (which happens a lot).

She has been nice to me at times, I don�t trust her one bit though and I am pleasant back but I would no more have a deep and meaningful conversation with her than fly to the moon.

She has a double banger surname which rhymes with Boss-Bitch (BB) which she will be referred to from here on.

I use to think I wanted to climb the corporate ladder but I�m very disillusioned with that idea. And if I turn out like BB than I definitely don�t want to. She uses all her womanly wiles to get what she needs from the men in the company which lets face there are bucket loads of them and they are all engineers. Have you ever dealt with a large group of engineers? Rolls eyes��s not interesting leans more towards the anal side of things and micro managing.

I think that my use by date at this job is not more than one more year. I would just like to get the intranet up to where it should be then I want to move on.

P, the darling man, is still large in my life and will be for a while. He has to make a mercy dash back to the UK as his mother is not well and I think on her way out of this life. She did say when she went into hospital that she did not want to recover from this bout. She has been crippled with MS for many years. Totally active mind, but completely bedridden. I�m not sure which would be worse to be completely healthy physically like my mother and have lost your mind to Alzheimer�s or Phil�s mother. So he fly�s out on Friday evening 1 year to the day we met.

He has a famous brother in law whom I�ve talked about before, photographer last name Bailey. Anyway his sister told him he could stay with them in the London apartment but he wasn�t allowed to be bear foot and walk around in his undies. Some people might find this easy but not Phil he immediately walks inside takes of his shirt and if he can; his jeans or shorts. Usually he just wears a sarong. C (his sister) told him he would buy him a pair of PJ�s. I think she must have discussed Phil coming with the hubby and so now Bailey is going to put him up in a hotel as he can�t have his freaking wah upset. I tell you just because you�re famous doesn�t mean you have to be a complete arsehole.

Phil says it will be better anyway as he won�t have to put up with Bailey and C�s attention being diverted from the lord and master. It might have been nice for brother and sister though to be able to share and support one another through the death of their mother by staying under the one roof.

Do I sound like I�m suffering from bitch syndrome today? I could be but frankly that�s ok.

Speak soon.

Ms Do

all text is the � of Ms Do