Doing the Do


Update on Mum

Well she�s not well and I guess we all expected that it would be a huge setback that after having a broken hip and then having her leg broken by the doctor when they went to x-ray it. She had to have another operation to get her leg pinned because it was a bad break. So she had two general anaesthetics in 3 days and then was transported back to home town nursing home on ANZAC day.

What no one was expecting was that when they went back into pin her leg the Dr discovered a legion on her bone. Yes she has bone cancer and it�s a secondary so that means its come from somewhere else in her body. We have all at some point said that there must be something else wrong because she lost a huge amount of weight about 1 � years ago and she was clutching her stomach. Because she�s unable to tell us what is wrong because she can�t identify what the pain is or if there is any and really would you do chemo therapy or radio therapy on someone with advance stages of Alzheimer�s

So now we are all here worried about her, somehow relieved that something will take her gently into the night (if they keep her pain relief up if she can tell them�catch 22). One of the nursing staff who is an RN has told my other sisters that she is really not well and that they should tell sister 7 who lives in UK that she should be making plans to come back.

I have not been down to see her as my work has prevented me from doing so. I�ve been told by one of my sisters not to come this weekend as the town is completely booked out due to the Celtic Festival and she is renting out her house to visitors. She in turn is staying at my other sisters and another sister and her husband and children are all going to be staying there as well. There is no room at the inn for me.

So I could wait until next weekend I guess but my boys don�t want to under any circumstances go as they can�t handle seeing Nanna like she is�.I understand this. So I might just have to go on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week and use the days I worked over Easter for. I don�t think I can wait 3 weeks until I have another weekend without the boys so I might just have to bite the bullet and go. I�d kick myself forever if I didn�t go even though my entire being is saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO��

all text is the � of Ms Do